Saturday, May 12, 2007

sketches of tortoise man embryo

Here are some sketches of the embryonic stage of the tortoise man. The drawings are based on Ernst Haeckel's drawings.

During the 4th week of the fertilized embryo, also the phylotypic stage, all vertebrates look the same. Humans, turtles, chickens, fish. And it is during this period we injected giant tortoise genes into te embryo.

And then for the next months, it developed into a form that is more identifiable. And instead of growing into what normal babies would, it had some tortoise features, like the shell, the tail, and the shape of the head.Then it leaves the embryonic stage and reaches the fetal stage, which is from the 9th week to until the baby is born.

The 40th week is what the infant looks like:

This is when he is one year old:

This is when he is two years old:

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