Monday, January 29, 2007

prototyping definition

1.the original or model on which something is based or formed.
2.someone or something that serves to illustrate the typical qualities of a class; model.
3.something analogous to another thing of a later period: a Renaissance prototype of our modern public housing.
4.Biology. an archetype; a primitive form regarded as the basis of a group.
–verb (used with object) create the prototype or an experimental model of: to prototype a solar-power car. Unabridged (v 1.1).Random House, Inc.

In other words, building a prototype is a way to test out a grand-scale project before starting the actual production of the project. By creating a rough representation of the project, designers can quickly test the project and discover problems that need to be solved.

To prototype for my thesis, I will set the style in which all my characters will be created. I will also illustrate examples of my characters as well as testing out the effect of bringing them into real-life footage.

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